Entre os dias 27 de setembro a 01 de outubro ocorreu o CBSOFT 2010 em Salvador.
Como era de se esperar, em paralelo, ocorreram também alguns "eventos" extra oficiais.
Legenda, da esquerda para a direita: Forte de São Marcelo, Dique do Tororó, Igreja do Nosso Senhor do Bonfim, Lagoa do Abaeté, Projeto Tamar na praia do Forte, Praça Castro Alves (é aquela mesma da "... A Praça Castro Alves é do povo..."), Farol da Barra, Elevador Lacerda. No centro, a Igreja de São Francisco no Pelourinho e uma vista do litoral de Salvador.
É o blog do Emanuel!!!
Aqui serão postados assuntos diversos: viagens, informática e tecnologia de uma forma geral.
Como sou professor e trabalho com Computação em Nuvens (Cloud Computing), muitas vezes os posts serão sobre assuntos relacionados ao mundo acadêmico, como congressos. Mas tem de tudo um pouco!
segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2010
OpenNebula 2.0
Saiu a nova versão do OpenNebula (2.0).
Algumas características:
- Image Repository. The Image Repository allows users to easily specify disk images from a catalog without worrying about low-level disk configuration attributes or block device mapping. Also, image access control is applied to the images registered in the repository, hence simplifying multi-user environments and image sharing. The traditional method of specifying VM disks is also fully supported. More info…
- MySQL support. OpenNebula can now work with either a MySQL or SQLite database backend. The new MySQL support brings important performance and scalability improvements compared to the SQLite implementation. MySQL is the recommended option for large-scale clouds. More info…
- Improved VMWare support. VMware drivers has been re-written to make use of all the features offered by OpenNebula, making the functionality of the drivers on par with the KVM and Xen ones. The new drivers uses the libvirt driver. More info…
- Scalability Improvements. Several components of OpenNebula have been tuned to work with tens of thousands of VMs, including the redesign of the scheduler and adjustments to the monitoring modules.
- Separate VM and Information actions. The specific operations performed when monitoring a host or performing an specific operation on a VM has been decoupled from the driver code base. Now it is even easier to tune your cloud. The number of connections to the node have also been reduced.
- Cluster support. Physical hosts can now be grouped in logical clusters, so after a cluster is defined it can be used to set the placement of a VM. More info…
- Accounting. New tools are provided to generate accounting reports for cloud users or physical hosts. More info…
- Authorization & Authentication Drivers. The authorization and authentication processes in OpenNebula have been totally redesigned. Now they can be handled natively by the OpenNebula core, offering the same functionality as OpenNebula 1.4. Alternatively, the A&A processes can be handled by an external component that can be integrated with any A&A system or user maps (e.g. LDAP, Kerberos…). As an example OpenNebula 2.0 features a quota based authorization module and user authentication based on RSA keys. More info…
- Quota Management. Allowing cloud administrators to set limits on cloud resources for users
- LDAP Integration. Levering the new authorization & authentication framework, datacenters using LDAP for user management can integrate OpenNebula with it, without the need of re-creating the user data. More info…
- Virtual Networking Improvements. OpenNebula 2.0 lets you define generic attributes associated to a Virtual Network (e.g. gateway, dns servers…) that can then be included in the context of a VM. This will let you easily configure VMs with multiple NICs. Additionally Virtual Networks can now be defined as public, and thus shared among multiple users.
- Improved EC2 support. The EC2 Query server can now be used with the EC2 ecosystem. Supported third party applications include ElasticFox or EucaTools. More info…
- Java Bindings for the OpenNebula Cloud API (OCA) OpenNebula 2.0 includes JAVA bindings that wraps the XML-RPC interface methods exposed by the core. More info…
- Improved OCCI support. The OCCI implementation now follows a more coherent schema. The OCCI server also makes a more robust handling of incoming requests. More info…
Aparentemente a versão 1.4 e 2.0 não são compatíveis, devido à mudanças no esquema do banco e na API, sendo indicado a atualização.
Hosts, redes ou máquinas virtuais instalados no OpenNebula 1.4 não vão funcionar mais com esta versão, e devem ser recriados no novo sistema.
quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2010
Journal of Internet Services and Applications - JISA
Call for Papers
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Special Issue on Cloud Computing
Springer's Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA) will publish a special issue on Cloud Computing.
Cloud Computing is a form of Internet-based computing that explores new models for consumption and delivery of computing resources, software, and services. This new paradigm has been receiving great attention from the research community and industry, due to its potential to trigger significant change in the computing industry.
Cloud computing introduces challenges and new possibilities in many aspects of Internet architecture, protocols, services, and applications. As such, we invite submissions on Cloud Computing topics related to Internet
Services and applications including but not limited to the following:
Services and applications including but not limited to the following:
• Virtualization technology, including image and appliance management;
• Automated provisioning/management of infrastructure and services;
• Availability, resilience, dependability, scalability;
• Networking and storage;
• Resource Management, Performance, Benchmarking;
• Grid Computing, Scientific Applications, High Performance Computing;
• Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, Software as a Service;
• Security and privacy;
• Cloud Middleware;
• Data management in the cloud;
• Cloud economics and pricing;
• Cloud-client interaction;
• Programming models and new cloud applications.
Submission Deadline: November, 8th 2010 (Early submission is encouraged)
Publication Date: 1st Semester, 2011
Publication Date: 1st Semester, 2011
Special Issue Guest-Editors
Dilma Da Silva (IBM Research, USA)
Dan Reed (Microsoft Research, USA)
Dongyan Xu (Purdue University, USA)
Dilma Da Silva (IBM Research, USA)
Dan Reed (Microsoft Research, USA)
Dongyan Xu (Purdue University, USA)
JISA Editors-in-Chief
Fabio Kon (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Gordon Blair (Lancaster University, UK)
Submission Details
Manuscripts are submitted online as described in www.springer.com/jisa and are typically 14
two-column pages in length, and should not exceed 20 pages.
Manuscripts are submitted online as described in www.springer.com/jisa and are typically 14
two-column pages in length, and should not exceed 20 pages.
The guest editors can be contacted at jisa.cloud.comput...@gmail.com
JISA is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes high-quality scientific papers (addressing both theory and practice) covering all aspects of the Internet architecture, protocols, services, and applications. JISA is a partnership among Springer, the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br), the National Computer Networks Laboratory (LARC), and the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).
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