domingo, 14 de novembro de 2010

The 3rd International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing (CloudSec 2011)

TaipeiTaiwan, September 13 – 16, 2011

The 3rd International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing (CloudSec 2011)
In Conjunction with 40th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2011)

Cloud Computing has generated interest from both industry and academia since 2007. As an extension of Grid Computing and Distributed Computing, Cloud Computing aims to provide users with flexible services in a transparent manner. Services are allocated in a “cloud”, which is a collection of devices and resources connected through the Internet. Before this paradigm can be widely accepted, the security, privacy and reliability provided by the services in the cloud must be well established.
CloudSec’2011 will bring researchers and experts together to present and discuss the latest developments and technical solutions concerning various aspects of security issues in Cloud Computing. CloudSec’2011 seeks original unpublished papers focusing on theoretical analysis, emerging applications, novel system architecture construction and design, experimental studies, and social impacts of Cloud Computing. Both review/survey papers and technical papers are expected.
CloudSec’2011 also welcomes short papers related to Security in Cloud Computing, which summarize speculative breakthroughs, work-in-progress, industry featured projects, open problems, new application challenges, visionary ideas, and preliminary studies.

The topics include but not limited to:
        Emerging threats to cloud-based services
        Security models for new services
        Cloud-aware web service security
        Information hiding in Cloud Computing
        Securing distributed data storage in the cloud
        Privacy and security in Cloud Computing
        Robust network architecture
        Cloud Infrastructure Security
        Job deployment in the Cloud
        Intrusion detection/prevention
        Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks and defense
        Robust job scheduling
        Secure resource allocation and indexing
        Secure payment for cloud-aware services
        User authentication in cloud-aware services
        Security for emerging cloud programming models

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