terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2012

1st European Workshop on Dependable Cloud Computing (EWDCC 2012)

Call for Papers - EWDCC 2012

   1st European Workshop on Dependable Cloud Computing (EWDCC 2012)

In conjunction with the 9th European Dependable Computing Conference -
EDCC 2012

                          May 8th, 2012
                          Sibiu, Romania

The 1st EWDCC is sponsored by European Commission through the TClouds
Project (http://www.tclouds-project.eu/).


Submission deadline: January 27th, 2012
Author notification: March 14th, 2012



With the increasing variety of cloud offerings, ranging from very basic
infrastructure services, such as storage and virtual machines, to
more complex platform services (e.g., providing database-like
functionality), to end-user directed solutions such as web-based office
tools, there is an ongoing trend to outsource all kinds of applications
to the cloud.

However, recent studies on cloud offerings and hardware in general show
that clouds are less reliable than traditional data centers, and hardware
faults are more common than previously assumed. Moreover, the very fact
that cloud services need to be accessed remotely, through the Internet,
make their perceived availability directly dependent from the availability
of the communication between clients and providers. In combination, this
basically inhibits the outsourcing of critical applications (e.g.,
financial or medical services) to the cloud.

Besides that, recent failure events on big cloud providers such as Amazon
raised an alert about the dangers of running critical applications on such
third party infrastructures.

The 1st EWDCC workshop aims to provide a platform for discussion and
dissemination of early-stage recent research efforts that explicitly aim
at supporting dependability in the context of cloud computing. We expect
the workshop to foster discussion between researchers from both industry
and academia.



The workshop welcomes submissions on all aspects of dependability in cloud
computing, data center architectures, scalable systems and virtualization
technology. Some of the topics of interest are:

* Virtualization-based mechanism for tolerating faults and intrusions
* Dependability issues in virtualization technology
* Scalability issues in dependable systems
* Security and privacy in the Cloud
* Data center dependability issues
* Disaster recovery for cloud-based and Internet-scale systems
* Cloud dependability metrics, models, studies and benchmarks
* Large scale problem diagnosis and recovery
* Intrusion detection and tolerance in cloud environment
* Service-oriented architectures dependability
* Dependability issues in "cloud programming models" such as MapReduce
* Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Quality of Service in the cloud

More information about the workshop can be obtained in the webpage
(http://ewdcc12.di.fc.ul.pt/) by emailing to ewdcc12_AT_di.fc.ul.pt



The workshop will accept two formats of papers: regular papers (maximum
6 pages) and position papers (maximum 2 pages). Position papers allow
researchers to present more speculative/futuristic ideas to stimulate
discussion and further work. All papers will be published at the ACM
digital library and thus have to adhere ACM 8.5”x11” two-column
camera-ready format. Instructions about how to submit papers can be found
on the web site http://ewdcc12.di.fc.ul.pt/. More information about the
workshop can be obtained by email to the same address.

At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the conference
and present the paper at the workshop.



Besides the publication of the workshop proceedings at the ACM digital
library, the authors of the best papers of the workshop will be invited
to submit a revised version of the papers to SIGOPS Operating System
Review (http://www.sigops.org/osr.html).


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