segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2012

LatinCloud 2012

LatinCloud 2012


The Cloud Computing and communications paradigm has defined
unprecedented business models, promoting on-demand computing resource
allocation, elastic scaling, and elimination of up-front costs.
Capitalizing on paradigms such as virtualization, utility computing,
grid computing, and service oriented architectures, cloud computing
and communications has already changed the way we compute and
communicate. To cope with numerous technological challenges for the
support of diverse services and application, the First IEEE Latin
American Conference on Cloud Computing and Communications invites your

Topics of interest

Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit their original
contributions covering completed or ongoing work related to the field
of cloud computing and communications. The topics include but are not
limited to:

Cloud architectures
Infrastructure core services
Public, private, and hybrid clouds
Cloud-based multimedia services
Green Clouds
Cloud management
Mobile Cloud services
Social network in Clouds
Federated Clouds
Virtualization platforms
Middeware for cloud environments
Network architecture for data center
Optical interconnects
Mechanisms and protocols to support QoS/QoE
Service level agreements and business models
Resource provisioning and scheduling
Cloud platforms and testbeds
Load balancing
Policy driven service/resource life-cycle management
Privacy and security
Measurement and Monitoring
Dependability and fault tolerance
Performance evaluation and modeling
Applications and services enabled by virtualized infrastructures
Data management in Clouds
Metadata and schemas
Service-oriented architecture in Cloud computing
Service composition and orchestration
Management of scientific models and workflows
Cloud computing and communications in industry and IT business

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