terça-feira, 17 de agosto de 2010

CBSoft 2010

Ocorrerá em Salvador (27/09 a 01/10) o CBSoft 2010 (Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice)

CBSoft (Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice) is an event sponsored by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) that aggregates, yearly, the main national events of the area, becoming thus a major national conference for software. The main goal is to become a world-class forum to integrate communities from academia, industry and government in order to meet and discuss the latest developments, trends and innovations concerning theory and practice of software.
In 2010, CBSoft integrates, in a single location and date, the following traditional events of the Brazilian community for software development:

  • XXIV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES)
  • XIV Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP)
  • IV Brazilian Symposium on Components, Software Architecture and Software Reuse (SBCARS)
In addition, CBSoft also hosts an international event:

  • VIII Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programming (SugarLoafPlop).

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