Além disso, ele permite que você realize uma consulta dinâmica com vários parâmetros, como catgeoria, licenciamento, tipo de subscrição, interface de controle, suporte, sistema operacional e precificação, e comparar provedores:
É o blog do Emanuel!!!
Aqui serão postados assuntos diversos: viagens, informática e tecnologia de uma forma geral.
Como sou professor e trabalho com Computação em Nuvens (Cloud Computing), muitas vezes os posts serão sobre assuntos relacionados ao mundo acadêmico, como congressos. Mas tem de tudo um pouco!
quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011
Provedores de IaaS
O site possui uma lista com vários provedores de IaaS.
Além disso, ele permite que você realize uma consulta dinâmica com vários parâmetros, como catgeoria, licenciamento, tipo de subscrição, interface de controle, suporte, sistema operacional e precificação, e comparar provedores:
Além disso, ele permite que você realize uma consulta dinâmica com vários parâmetros, como catgeoria, licenciamento, tipo de subscrição, interface de controle, suporte, sistema operacional e precificação, e comparar provedores:
Função Freqüência no MS Excel
Estava apanhando no Excel para fazer a contagem da frequencia dos elementos em um conjunto de dados, quando encontrei o site do Professor Paul Fisher, da UFRGS -
Nele ele faz um passo a passo de como calcular a freqüência dos dados, de uma maneira simples:
Copiei o trecho do site dele (citado acima) que ensina a calcular com as figuras.
Parabéns pelo passo a passo!!!
Passo 1 - Vamos calcular a freqüência dos dados (número de ocorrências de cada valor distinta) que se encontram na figura a direta. O rotulo se encontra na célula A1 e os dados nas células A1:A10. Podemos ver que há 1 ocorrência do valor 1, 2 ocorrências do valor 2, 3 ocorrências do valor 3, 2 ocorrências do valor 4 e 1 ocorrência do valor 5. O que nos queremos, ao final, é uma tablela:
Passo 2 - A função freqüência precisa de dois variaveis de entrada: uma matiz de dados e uma matriz de bins. A matriz de bins serve para indicar as categorias a ser usadas na execução da função. Então, precisamos criar uma matriz de categorias que aparece na figura a direta. O conteúdo da célula C2 servirá para contar as ocorrências dos valores <=1 (menor que ou igual a 1). O conteúdo da célula C3 servirá para contar as ocorrências dos valores <=2 (menor que ou igual a 2) e >1 (maior que 1). O conteúdo da célula C6 servirá para contar as ocorrências dos valores <=6 e >5.
Passo 3 - A função "FREQÜÊNCIA" é uma função matriz. Isso significa que o destino do resultado da execução da função precisa ser uma matiriz de células e não uma célula só. Precisamos selecionar a matriz de células em qual será colocado os resulatdos antes "chamar" a função freqüência. Sendo que nossos categorias se encontram em C2:C6, digitaremos o rótulo "freqüência" na célula D1 e selcionaremos as células D2:D6 para receber os resultados.
Passo 4 - Com as células D2:D6 selecionadas, clicaremos em "inserir" no menu principal e "função" no sub-menu. Do diálogo que aparece selcionaremos a função "freqüência" se encontra na categoria "estatística" e, finalmente em OK.
Passo 5 - Um diálago aparece pedindo preenchimento da matriz dos dados e a matriz dos bins. Isso pode ser feito digitando diretamente nos respetivos campos OU, com o cursor no respetivo campo, selecionando a extensão de células com os dados e os bins usando o mouse.
Passo 6 - Em vez de cliquar em OK, manteremos apertados as botões "Ctrl" e "Shift" enquanto clicamos o botõe "Enter". As freqüências aparecem ao lado das categorias, neste caso, ou em qualquer conjunto de células (matriz) inicialmente selcionado para receber o resultado.Porque ter um botão OK se não serve para executar a função? Não sei ... bobagem da Microsoft. Todas as funções matriz em Excel funcionam assim.
Fonte: site do Professor Paul Fisher, da UFRGS.
Nele ele faz um passo a passo de como calcular a freqüência dos dados, de uma maneira simples:
Copiei o trecho do site dele (citado acima) que ensina a calcular com as figuras.
Parabéns pelo passo a passo!!!
Passo 1 - Vamos calcular a freqüência dos dados (número de ocorrências de cada valor distinta) que se encontram na figura a direta. O rotulo se encontra na célula A1 e os dados nas células A1:A10. Podemos ver que há 1 ocorrência do valor 1, 2 ocorrências do valor 2, 3 ocorrências do valor 3, 2 ocorrências do valor 4 e 1 ocorrência do valor 5. O que nos queremos, ao final, é uma tablela:
valor | freqüência |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 2 |
5 | 1 |
Passo 2 - A função freqüência precisa de dois variaveis de entrada: uma matiz de dados e uma matriz de bins. A matriz de bins serve para indicar as categorias a ser usadas na execução da função. Então, precisamos criar uma matriz de categorias que aparece na figura a direta. O conteúdo da célula C2 servirá para contar as ocorrências dos valores <=1 (menor que ou igual a 1). O conteúdo da célula C3 servirá para contar as ocorrências dos valores <=2 (menor que ou igual a 2) e >1 (maior que 1). O conteúdo da célula C6 servirá para contar as ocorrências dos valores <=6 e >5.
Passo 3 - A função "FREQÜÊNCIA" é uma função matriz. Isso significa que o destino do resultado da execução da função precisa ser uma matiriz de células e não uma célula só. Precisamos selecionar a matriz de células em qual será colocado os resulatdos antes "chamar" a função freqüência. Sendo que nossos categorias se encontram em C2:C6, digitaremos o rótulo "freqüência" na célula D1 e selcionaremos as células D2:D6 para receber os resultados.
Passo 4 - Com as células D2:D6 selecionadas, clicaremos em "inserir" no menu principal e "função" no sub-menu. Do diálogo que aparece selcionaremos a função "freqüência" se encontra na categoria "estatística" e, finalmente em OK.
Passo 5 - Um diálago aparece pedindo preenchimento da matriz dos dados e a matriz dos bins. Isso pode ser feito digitando diretamente nos respetivos campos OU, com o cursor no respetivo campo, selecionando a extensão de células com os dados e os bins usando o mouse.
Não clique em OK
Passo 6 - Em vez de cliquar em OK, manteremos apertados as botões "Ctrl" e "Shift" enquanto clicamos o botõe "Enter". As freqüências aparecem ao lado das categorias, neste caso, ou em qualquer conjunto de células (matriz) inicialmente selcionado para receber o resultado.Porque ter um botão OK se não serve para executar a função? Não sei ... bobagem da Microsoft. Todas as funções matriz em Excel funcionam assim.
Fonte: site do Professor Paul Fisher, da UFRGS.
Cloud Computing and Scientific Applications (CCSA 2011)
1st International Workshop on
Cloud Computing and Scientific Applications (CCSA 2011)
In conjunction with the 4th IEEE International
Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2011) December 5-7,
Melbourne, Australia
***IBM R&D Australia is sponsoring "Best Student Paper Award"
among the papers accepted for presentation at the workshop***
--Selection and final decision resides at the PC members discretion
CCSA workshop has been formed to promote research and development
activities focused on enabling and scaling scientific applications using
distributed computing paradigms, such as cluster, Grid, and Cloud
Computing. With the rapid emergence of software systems and their
applicability, the volume of users are growing exponentially. User
requirements are getting more and more complex. Existing computing
infrastructure, software system designs, and use cases will have to take
into account the enormity in volume of requests, size of data, computing
load, locality and type of users, and so forth.
Cloud computing promises reliable services delivered through
next-generation data centers that are built on compute and storage
virtualization technologies. Users will be able to access applications
and data from a ÒCloudÓ anywhere in the world on demand. In other words,
the Cloud appears to be a single point of access for all the computing
needs of users. The users are assured that the Cloud infrastructure is
robust and will always be available at any time.
CCSA brings together researchers and practitioners from around the world
to share their experiences on modeling, executing, and monitoring
scientific applications on Clouds.
In this workshop, we are interested in receiving innovative work on
enabling and scaling computing systems to support the execution of
scientific applications. The target audience include researchers and
industry practitioners who are interested in distributed systems,
particularly focusing on scaling of applications using Cloud computing.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Enabling applications using distributed systems
- Architectural Models for scaling of applications
- Novel applications for cloud computing, including games and social networks
- Novel cloud programming models
- Innovative cloud service models
- Support for scalable and elastic cloud services
- Cloud support for mobile applications and Content Delivery Networks
- Reliability of applications and services running on the cloud
- Performance monitoring for cloud applications
- Cloud use case studies
- Scientific computing in the cloud
- Business computing in the cloud
- Social computing in the cloud
Paper Submission Deadline: September 13, 2011 (Extended due to Author Requests)
Author Notification: September 25, 2011
Camera Ready Submission: September 30, 2011
Suraj Pandey
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Andrew Melatos
School of Physics, The University of Melbourne
Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia
Alberto Sanchez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Craig Lee, Open Grid Forum, USA
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Ivona Brandic, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Software Competence Center, Austria
Bahman Javadi, University of Melbourne, Australia
Bart Pindor, University of Melbourne, Australia
Richard O. Sinnott, e-Research at University of Melbourne, Australia
James Sankar, AARNet Pty Ltd, Australia
Christian Simone Vecchiola, IBM Research and Development Australia
Surya Nepal, CSIRO, Australia
Bruno Schulze, National Laboratory for Sci. Computing, Brazil
Manish Parashar, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
All papers must be submitted electronically and in PDF format through easychair.
The material presented should be original and not published or under
submission elsewhere. Authors should submit full papers of up to 6
pages, strictly following the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings
Manuscript style (available at,
using two-column, single-space format, with 10-point font size.
Figures and references must be included in the 6 pages. Oversized
papers will be automatically rejected by the committee. At least
one of the authors of each accepted paper must register early to
attend the conference, in order for the paper to appear in the
conference proceedings.
Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research
that is not currently under review for any other conference
or journal. Papers not following these guidelines will be
rejected without review and further action may be taken,
including (but not limited to) notifications sent to the
heads of the institutions of the authors and sponsors of the
conference. Submissions received after the due date,
exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may
also not be considered. The proceedings will be published and
will be made online through the IEEE Xplore.
All papers, after presentation at the conference, will be invited to
submit their revised version to a special issue of the IJCSE -
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
(published by Inderscience). IJCSE is a refereed international journal
providing an international forum to report, discuss and exchange
experimental results, novel designs, work-in-progress, experience, case
studies, and trend-setting ideas in the area of computational science
and engineering. It is abstracted and indexed in ACM Guide to Computing
Literature, Computer and Information Systems, Computer Database, EI
Compendex, Engineered Materials Abstracts, Google Scholar, Pascal,
Scirus , and Scopus. For additional information about IJCSE, please
sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011
9th International Workshop on Middleware for grids, Clouds and e-Science MGC 2011
9th International Workshop on Middleware for grids, Clouds and e-Science
MGC 2011
in conjunction with ACM/IFIP/USENIX 12th International Middleware
Conference 2011
Lisbon, Portugal – December 12-16, 2011
The MGC workshop series started with the Middleware Conference in 2003, in
Rio (Brazil), followed by MGC 2004 in Toronto (Canada), MGC 2005 in
Grenoble (France), MGC 2006 in Melbourne (Australia), MGC 2007 in
California (USA), MGC 2008 in Leuven (BE), MGC 2009 in Urbana-Champaign
(US), and MGC 2010 in Bangalore(IN). Following each workshop, thoroughly
revised selected papers were invited to Special Issues of Concurrency and
Computation: Practice and Experience Journal (CPE) Journal.
For the MGC 2011 workshop, researchers are encouraged to submit and
present original work related to Grid, Cloud, and e-Science middleware to be
considered for publication. Within this overall scope, MGC 2011 will
emphasize issues of scalability in terms of cloud mechanisms for computation
and data scaling as well as adaptive and semantic mechanisms for scaling
capabilities across disciplines and over time.
Overall topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Cloud Computing Middleware
Core Infrastructure
Utility computing
Virtualization Middleware
Service Level AgreementsStrategies and Protocols to Support QoS
Managing Large Data Centers
Dependability and Fault Tolerance
Performance Evaluation and Modeling
Metadata and Schemas
Programming Models and Tools
Resource Management and Scheduling
Management of Scientific Models and Workflows
Energy Management and Green Computing
Information Services
Portals and Containers
Adaptive/Autonomic Middleware
Application Testbeds
Paper Submission: The MGC 2011 Workshop invites authors to submit original
and unpublished work.
Papers should not exceed 6 pages ACM style (single-spaced 2-column of text
using 09-point size type on A4 paper). Authors should submit a PostScript
(level 2) or PDF file that will print on a PostScript printer.
Electronic only submission (via submission server).
Submission requires the willingness of at least one of the authors to register
and present the paper.
All selected papers for this workshop are peer-reviewed and will be published
with ACM.
Selected (extended) papers will be invited to a special issue of Concurrency
and Computation: Practice
and Experience Journal to appear.
Important Dates:
Submissions: August 15, 2011
Notification: September 29, 2011
Camera-ready: October 10, 2011
Workshop date: December 12, 2011
4th IEEE International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2011)
4th IEEE International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2011)
December 5-8, Melbourne, Australia 11/
Sponsored by:
IEEE Computer Society, USA
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), USA
Computing is being transformed to a model consisting of
services that are commoditized and delivered in a manner
similar to traditional utilities such as water, electricity,
gas, and telephony. In such a model, users access services
based on their requirements without regard to where the
services are hosted or how they are delivered. Several
computing paradigms have promised to deliver this utility
computing vision and these include Grid computing, and more
recently Cloud computing.
Cloud computing has recently emerged as one of the buzzwords
in the ICT industry. Several IT vendors are promising to
offer storage, application and computation hosting services,
and provide coverage in several continents, offering
Service-Level Agreements (SLA) backed performance and uptime
promises for their services. While these "clouds" are the
natural evolution of traditional clusters and data centres,
they are distinguished by following a "utility" pricing model
where customers are charged based on their utilisation of
computational resources, storage and transfer of data.
These emerging services have reduced the cost of computation,
application hosting and content storage and delivery by
several orders of magnitude, however there is significant
complexity involved in ensuring applications, services and
data can scale when needed to ensure consistent and reliable
operation under peak loads.
To provide a dedicated forum for sharing recent R&D advances
and industrial innovations in "Utility Computing" area, we
have initiated this new conference series "International
Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing". This conference
series has emerged out of previous successful Cloud computing
events (Cloud 2009 held in Shanghai, China; Cloud 2010 held
in Melbourne, Australia; and UCC 2010 held in Chennai,
India). UCC 2011, as 4th event in the series, focuses on
principles, paradigms, and applications of "Utility
computing" and its practical realisation in industry
especially in the form of Cloud Computing.
Conference Scope:
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Principles of Utility Computing
- Architectural Models for Utility Computing
- *aaS: Infrastructure, Platform, Software, Storage as a Service
- Novel architectural models for cloud computing
- Novel applications of cloud computing, including games and social networks
- Novel cloud programming models
- Innovative cloud pricing models
- Innovative cloud service models
- Support for scalable and elastic cloud services
- New parallel / concurrent programming models for cloud computing
- Cloud support for mobile applications and Content Delivery Networks
- Data Security, Privacy, and Jurisdiction in the Cloud
- Portability of applications and data between different cloud providers
- Cloud-related virtualization issues
- Deployment, maintenance, and management of cloud resources and services
- (Multi-)Cloud resource brokering and scheduling
- (Multi-)Cloud capacity planning
- Reliability of applications and services running on the cloud
- Interoperability between different Utility Computing Platforms
including Grids, and Clouds
- Performance monitoring for cloud applications
- Cloud use case studies
- Scientific computing in the cloud
- Business computing in the cloud
- Social computing in the cloud
December 5-8, Melbourne, Australia
Sponsored by:
IEEE Computer Society, USA
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), USA
Computing is being transformed to a model consisting of
services that are commoditized and delivered in a manner
similar to traditional utilities such as water, electricity,
gas, and telephony. In such a model, users access services
based on their requirements without regard to where the
services are hosted or how they are delivered. Several
computing paradigms have promised to deliver this utility
computing vision and these include Grid computing, and more
recently Cloud computing.
Cloud computing has recently emerged as one of the buzzwords
in the ICT industry. Several IT vendors are promising to
offer storage, application and computation hosting services,
and provide coverage in several continents, offering
Service-Level Agreements (SLA) backed performance and uptime
promises for their services. While these "clouds" are the
natural evolution of traditional clusters and data centres,
they are distinguished by following a "utility" pricing model
where customers are charged based on their utilisation of
computational resources, storage and transfer of data.
These emerging services have reduced the cost of computation,
application hosting and content storage and delivery by
several orders of magnitude, however there is significant
complexity involved in ensuring applications, services and
data can scale when needed to ensure consistent and reliable
operation under peak loads.
To provide a dedicated forum for sharing recent R&D advances
and industrial innovations in "Utility Computing" area, we
have initiated this new conference series "International
Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing". This conference
series has emerged out of previous successful Cloud computing
events (Cloud 2009 held in Shanghai, China; Cloud 2010 held
in Melbourne, Australia; and UCC 2010 held in Chennai,
India). UCC 2011, as 4th event in the series, focuses on
principles, paradigms, and applications of "Utility
computing" and its practical realisation in industry
especially in the form of Cloud Computing.
Conference Scope:
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Principles of Utility Computing
- Architectural Models for Utility Computing
- *aaS: Infrastructure, Platform, Software, Storage as a Service
- Novel architectural models for cloud computing
- Novel applications of cloud computing, including games and social networks
- Novel cloud programming models
- Innovative cloud pricing models
- Innovative cloud service models
- Support for scalable and elastic cloud services
- New parallel / concurrent programming models for cloud computing
- Cloud support for mobile applications and Content Delivery Networks
- Data Security, Privacy, and Jurisdiction in the Cloud
- Portability of applications and data between different cloud providers
- Cloud-related virtualization issues
- Deployment, maintenance, and management of cloud resources and services
- (Multi-)Cloud resource brokering and scheduling
- (Multi-)Cloud capacity planning
- Reliability of applications and services running on the cloud
- Interoperability between different Utility Computing Platforms
including Grids, and Clouds
- Performance monitoring for cloud applications
- Cloud use case studies
- Scientific computing in the cloud
- Business computing in the cloud
- Social computing in the cloud
Ferramenta Cathy
Meio fora do tema, mas para mim é de extrema utilidade!
O Cathy é uma ferramenta de apenas um arquivo, que permite catalogar tipos de mídias (CD, DVD, Pendrive, HD, etc).
Ele lê o rótulo, diretórios e arquivos, e armazena para uma posterior consulta, sem precisar da mídia, podendo ser levado para qualquer lugar.
Para baixar:
O Cathy é uma ferramenta de apenas um arquivo, que permite catalogar tipos de mídias (CD, DVD, Pendrive, HD, etc).
Ele lê o rótulo, diretórios e arquivos, e armazena para uma posterior consulta, sem precisar da mídia, podendo ser levado para qualquer lugar.
Para baixar:
Postagens (Atom)