9th International Workshop on Middleware for grids, Clouds and e-Science
MGC 2011
in conjunction with ACM/IFIP/USENIX 12th International Middleware
Conference 2011
Lisbon, Portugal – December 12-16, 2011
The MGC workshop series started with the Middleware Conference in 2003, in
Rio (Brazil), followed by MGC 2004 in Toronto (Canada), MGC 2005 in
Grenoble (France), MGC 2006 in Melbourne (Australia), MGC 2007 in
California (USA), MGC 2008 in Leuven (BE), MGC 2009 in Urbana-Champaign
(US), and MGC 2010 in Bangalore(IN). Following each workshop, thoroughly
revised selected papers were invited to Special Issues of Concurrency and
Computation: Practice and Experience Journal (CPE) Journal.
For the MGC 2011 workshop, researchers are encouraged to submit and
present original work related to Grid, Cloud, and e-Science middleware to be
considered for publication. Within this overall scope, MGC 2011 will
emphasize issues of scalability in terms of cloud mechanisms for computation
and data scaling as well as adaptive and semantic mechanisms for scaling
capabilities across disciplines and over time.
Overall topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Cloud Computing Middleware
Core Infrastructure
Utility computing
Virtualization Middleware
Service Level AgreementsStrategies and Protocols to Support QoS
Managing Large Data Centers
Dependability and Fault Tolerance
Performance Evaluation and Modeling
Metadata and Schemas
Programming Models and Tools
Resource Management and Scheduling
Management of Scientific Models and Workflows
Energy Management and Green Computing
Information Services
Portals and Containers
Adaptive/Autonomic Middleware
Application Testbeds
Paper Submission: The MGC 2011 Workshop invites authors to submit original
and unpublished work.
Papers should not exceed 6 pages ACM style (single-spaced 2-column of text
using 09-point size type on A4 paper). Authors should submit a PostScript
(level 2) or PDF file that will print on a PostScript printer.
Electronic only submission (via submission server).
Submission requires the willingness of at least one of the authors to register
and present the paper.
All selected papers for this workshop are peer-reviewed and will be published
with ACM.
Selected (extended) papers will be invited to a special issue of Concurrency
and Computation: Practice
and Experience Journal to appear.
Important Dates:
Submissions: August 15, 2011
Notification: September 29, 2011
Camera-ready: October 10, 2011
Workshop date: December 12, 2011
É o blog do Emanuel!!!
Aqui serão postados assuntos diversos: viagens, informática e tecnologia de uma forma geral.
Como sou professor e trabalho com Computação em Nuvens (Cloud Computing), muitas vezes os posts serão sobre assuntos relacionados ao mundo acadêmico, como congressos. Mas tem de tudo um pouco!
sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011
9th International Workshop on Middleware for grids, Clouds and e-Science MGC 2011
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