December 5-8, Melbourne, Australia
Sponsored by:
IEEE Computer Society, USA
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), USA
Computing is being transformed to a model consisting of
services that are commoditized and delivered in a manner
similar to traditional utilities such as water, electricity,
gas, and telephony. In such a model, users access services
based on their requirements without regard to where the
services are hosted or how they are delivered. Several
computing paradigms have promised to deliver this utility
computing vision and these include Grid computing, and more
recently Cloud computing.
Cloud computing has recently emerged as one of the buzzwords
in the ICT industry. Several IT vendors are promising to
offer storage, application and computation hosting services,
and provide coverage in several continents, offering
Service-Level Agreements (SLA) backed performance and uptime
promises for their services. While these "clouds" are the
natural evolution of traditional clusters and data centres,
they are distinguished by following a "utility" pricing model
where customers are charged based on their utilisation of
computational resources, storage and transfer of data.
These emerging services have reduced the cost of computation,
application hosting and content storage and delivery by
several orders of magnitude, however there is significant
complexity involved in ensuring applications, services and
data can scale when needed to ensure consistent and reliable
operation under peak loads.
To provide a dedicated forum for sharing recent R&D advances
and industrial innovations in "Utility Computing" area, we
have initiated this new conference series "International
Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing". This conference
series has emerged out of previous successful Cloud computing
events (Cloud 2009 held in Shanghai, China; Cloud 2010 held
in Melbourne, Australia; and UCC 2010 held in Chennai,
India). UCC 2011, as 4th event in the series, focuses on
principles, paradigms, and applications of "Utility
computing" and its practical realisation in industry
especially in the form of Cloud Computing.
Conference Scope:
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Principles of Utility Computing
- Architectural Models for Utility Computing
- *aaS: Infrastructure, Platform, Software, Storage as a Service
- Novel architectural models for cloud computing
- Novel applications of cloud computing, including games and social networks
- Novel cloud programming models
- Innovative cloud pricing models
- Innovative cloud service models
- Support for scalable and elastic cloud services
- New parallel / concurrent programming models for cloud computing
- Cloud support for mobile applications and Content Delivery Networks
- Data Security, Privacy, and Jurisdiction in the Cloud
- Portability of applications and data between different cloud providers
- Cloud-related virtualization issues
- Deployment, maintenance, and management of cloud resources and services
- (Multi-)Cloud resource brokering and scheduling
- (Multi-)Cloud capacity planning
- Reliability of applications and services running on the cloud
- Interoperability between different Utility Computing Platforms
including Grids, and Clouds
- Performance monitoring for cloud applications
- Cloud use case studies
- Scientific computing in the cloud
- Business computing in the cloud
- Social computing in the cloud
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